Episode 21: Surviving Domestic Violence with Leslie Morgan Steiner

On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States —  that’s more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year. In this episode, we speak with Leslie Morgan Steiner, a feminist, author, TED speaker, activist, and domestic violence survivor. Her book, Crazy Love was a New York Times Bestselling Memoir, charts her marriage to her then abusive husband, Conor, in vivid detail, sharing the path from initially falling madly in love to coming close to dying at his abusive hands. Leslie did ultimately break free from him but her story is one of the millions around the world, where behind closed doors and a cloak of shame, women and men endure violence, verbal and physical, and at times have little to no resources to get their life back and survive. Leslie did and her story is illuminating, powerful and deeply inspiring.