Episode 24: Boys & Sex with Peggy Orenstein
New York Times bestselling author and journalist Peggy Orenstein has spent a good part of her career focusing on girls and young women in groundbreaking books like Cinderella ate my Daughter and the infamous, Girls & Sex. As the #metoo movement was ramping up and boys and men were being taken to task, Orenstein wanted to hear from them, to better understand what boys were feeling and thinking and how was this movement, and our social climate, shaping the way in which they were understanding their sexuality and expressing it. She interviewed dozens of boys, from young adolescence to young adulthood, and realized that they were ready to talk and what they had to say may surprise readers and listeners. Boys & Sex was just published and Orenstein shares the insights she gleaned from the research and one big take away: Talk to your kids about sex. They’re ready. So should you be.